Principal's Message

Principal's Welcome Message

“Do the little things.” – St. David

On behalf of the staff at St. David’s, I would like to welcome you to a truly vibrant school community that puts the needs of children first. It is my privilege to serve as Principal and be part of a school team focused on developing the whole child — mind, body and spirit — through a commitment to high expectations, collaboration, and inclusivity for all. Students are at the heart of everything we do here: they are the very reason we exist as a school system.

We also have the privilege of educating our children in a Catholic school system. This is a responsibility that we do not take for granted. We place great value on our three cornerstones of community– school, home, and church. As adult educators, we must teach, model, and live the Gospel values in all of our actions. Students need to experience and witness our faith, not only in Religion and Family Life classes, but in the day-to-day life of the school.

The staff at St. David’s truly work as a team supporting the academic, social, and spiritual growth of our students. In meeting the diverse needs of all of our students, we recognize the importance of open and honest dialogue between the home and school and the value of parent involvement within our school. Following the lead of our patron saint, we promise to do our best to “do the little things” every day.

As the new school year approaches, I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe return to school and extend a warm welcome to all the new families joining our school community. St. David Catholic Elementary School is a safe, inclusive, and welcoming school committed to the Each Belongs philosophy and the belief that every child is created in God’s image and can reach their full potential.

I look forward to meeting all of you and serving our wonderful school community.

Yours in Catholic Education,
Ms. J. Lamparski